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Your student house fully equipped with draft strips, LED lamps and radiator foil

Is your student house also struggling with a high energy bill?

With this free promotion especially for students, you save a lot on your energy bill and at the same time, you do something good for the environment!

Save money on the energy bill

No one wants a high energy bill, and life as a student is already expensive as it is. With small energy-saving products you can easily limit or lower your energy bill, make your home more comfortable, and live more sustainably. The municipality of Groningen organises this promotion to help its studying residents.

Register your student house and an energy coach will come by with free energy-saving products for the entire house. After energy advice from the coach, you and your housemates install the products immediately with some help and tips from the energy coach. This way you immediately start saving energy, and therefore money!

Are you in?

1. Register using the form below (sorry it is in Dutch!): fill in the details of one of the housemates and indicate that it concerns a student house.

2. The energy coach will contact you to make an appointment.

3. On the agreed day and time, the energy coach comes along with multiple energy-saving products.

4. The energy coach gives advice on measures and energy behaviour. And you will receive instructions on how to install the products.

5. You will immediately start installing. Ensure that at least half of the group is present at home. They then can, at a later time, help the others who are not present during the energy coach's visit, with the installation of energy-saving products.

6. The energy bill goes down and you save money!

Bijvoorbeeld advies over isoleren, energie opwekken (zonnepalen), warmtepomp en/of subsidies/leningen
Graag duidelijk aangeven, bijvoorbeeld via de Gezinsbode, nieuwsbrief gemeente (of andere nieuwsbrief), flyer, informatiebijeenkomst, via iemand anders etc.